Search Criteria

Wing Span: 60"
Wing Loading: 20 - 24 oz/sqft
Wing Foil: RG15                
Tail : X - Tail
Config : Ailerons, Elevator
Weight : ~50-60+ ozs

Computer Machined from Solid Hardwood





This is the original solid hardwood Thorn!

The Thorn is built for speed at slopes producing moderate lift and up. The Thorn has GREAT penetration and energy retention. It pumps very, very high! A range of speeds from relatively slow to fast is available by camber changing on the wing. Although it does fly fast, it is efficient and can stay up in lighter lift than you think. The Thorn is also tough enought to get in some real DSing as you can see by the recorded speeds. If you do break it, you can easily repair it with simple wood glues and/or fillers.