About Goolge Earth Files Found on RCSpeeds
Many locations on RCSpeeds have Google Earh links. Most of Google Earth files have a DSMan, the groove, a small D80 flying in the standard direction and any four wheel drive roads shown on the hill. The little DS man standing on the hill is holding a radio with a red flag. You can use these files to help you find out how to get to the hill, were to fly, where to stand and more. The DS Man is standing in the correct place for DS. The files show the groove as a semitransparent purple volume and Joe Manors D80 flying in the mostly used direction for each hill. You will also see dirt roads in red and a small car shows where most people park their 2WD. The Weldon sample picture shows all these features.
If you have any or would like to make any please send us the Google Earth file and the name of its location.
If you don’t have Google Earth on your computer it’s easy to download. Download Google Earth 5.0 here...
Sample Image: Weldon

Try this sample file: Click here to load NorcoHill
Norco: Use your mouse to view the hill from different angles. Use the wheel as a scroll and a button to press.
Press the wheel down and change your view angle, spin the wheel to move closer or further from the hill. You can use the left mouse button to drag your image of view around.

In the top left portion of the goggle earth screen you will see a small window under the search text box called places. There you will find a Fly To, Find, and Directions windows. In this box or window you will find:
Norco Flying area; (Folder double-click on it to see it's contents if it's not expanded)
Non 4WD Parking; (double-click to see where you may want to think about a place to start hiking)
Road to the top; (Blue and underlined because it's a hyperlink: Click once to see a small written explanation about the road, Double click and it will change your view to almost vertical so you can see the whole road)
Joes D80; (works like the Road to the Top link) dbl clk to see cool new view.
The Groove;(Same as above)
DS Man;(Same as above)
For more detailed instructions see the Google Earth User Guide