Transonic DP! This plane was designed and built for all-out speed while still maintaining a mild mannered easy to fly behavior at frontside speeds. Our goal was to achieve the highest speed possible without resorting to swept wings. As usual, Dirk Pflug provided the airfoils and Thomas Pils provided a huge amount of design work as well as machining the fuselage molds. Jarda did an excellent job making the wing and stab molds in CZ and shipped them to me here in the US.
Dirk Pflug designed a suite of airfoils which were designed to delay the shock formation as long as possible and minimize the drag divergence up to 580mph. Dirk was also able to get help from Stuttgart University to optimize the wing using MSES. Our hope is that this transonic tailoring will allow the model to maintain a high wind-speed multiple well into the 500+mph range where other models performance drops off more rapidly. Although the airfoils were designed for transonic mach numbers, their performance remains surprisingly good at lower speeds. The 22:1 aspect ratio should also help boost the low speed performance where the airfoils are not in their prime.